Model home? This stunning 3-bedroom and 2-bathroom could be one! And, almost like new since everything has been replaced within the past 5-years! Roof 2021, new flooring 2021, water heater 2020, refrigerator 2019, guts of the HVAC system 2021 (inside unit) & 2022 (outside unit). The beautiful open floor plan is great for entertaining! The third bedroom is currently used for an office with French doors opening to the living space. And, the home includes the window coverings and the remote-control blinds. But wait! There is more! As well as the main-living space there is also finished storage space, workshop or whatever you need above the garage (access from garage). Also, the microwave, dishwasher and stove were installed in 2015. Plus, the Bel Green HOA power-washes & cleans your windows once per year. And, mows and landscapes. Play golf, go for a swim or meet at the clubhouse for Bridge or Mahjong.
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Liz Moore and Associates, Inc. uses REIN MLS data to produce additional statistics such as price per square foot and price per acre for each listing. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.
REIN MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/26/2024 3:51 PM EST.