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Buyer Interview

Find Your Dream Home

The better we understand your needs and wants, the easier it will be for us to pinpoint homes that match your criteria. Although it will take some time initially to complete our Wish List, it will save you considerable time in the long run. Complete as much or as little as you like, just remember that the more narrowly you can pinpoint what you’re looking for, the more quickly we’ll be able to deliver a match. You can always update your preferences later.

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All About You

Your Dream Home

In order of importance, what are the two or three most important features you’ll be looking for in your new home?

Home Style, Location, and Age

Let's talk about the home style that appeals to you. Bear in mind that popular architectural styles in Virginia may be different than what you are used to, so it’s important to explain what specifically appeals to you in a particular style. Please give me a “yes,” “no,” or “maybe” on each:

Some of our clients want to limit their commute to the office, while others want to be in the country or in a specific subdivision.

What are the most important factors in choosing the location of your new home?

What are the most important features you'd like to have in your new neighborhood? (pool, homeowners’ association, etc.):

Tell me the ideal age of the home you’re looking for. Here are some general ranges, and you can tell me which ones you'll consider:

Lot Size (does not apply to condos or town homes)

Is there anything in particular that I should know about the type of lot or yard you’re looking for? (fencing requirements, pool plans, prefer trees or no, prefer flat or ravine, privacy, etc.)


What are the 3 most important rooms in your home?

What are the minimum number of bedrooms and bathrooms that you will consider?

Now we’re at the “catch all” category for interior features… so, please tell me which of these features are extremely important to you, somewhat important, or not at all important.

You need to bear in mind that the more items you classify as extremely important, the more restrictive our home search will become. The only things you should list as extremely important are those features that you have to have or you won’t buy the house. Everything that you’d like to have we’ll mark as somewhat important, and we’ll try to find them.


In order of importance, what are the two or three most important features of the exterior of your new home? These could be things like a side-loading garage or porch.

Let’s talk for a minute about the exterior construction of your home; things like brick, siding, wood, or what is commonly referred to as EIFS. Unless you have very strong feelings about certain types of building materials, we usually recommend that you keep a fairly open mind in this category.

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