Are you in search of a peaceful and private waterfront property to serve as your personal sanctuary? Look no further! This rare and unique opportunity offers you a 41-acre scenic peninsula that boasts a stunning 1,800 feet of shoreline on the Corrotoman River. The property features towering trees and breathtaking views of the river and the surrounding lush greenery, making it the perfect haven for those seeking a serene and secluded retreat. With five building sites available, this property is ideal for creating a unique family compound where you can build your dream homes and enjoy the spectacular views together. Whether you're looking to create a permanent residence or a vacation home, this property offers endless possibilities. The surrounding area is rich with natural beauty, and the property's location on the river provides ample opportunities for outdoor enthusiasts to enjoy activities such as boating, kayaking, and fishing. The peaceful sounds of the river and the local wildlife will provide a soothing soundtrack to your days and nights at your new retreat. Don't miss out on this chance to create your own private haven on the Corrotoman River.
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Liz Moore and Associates, Inc. uses NAVICA MLS data to produce additional statistics such as price per square foot and price per acre for each listing. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.
NAVICA MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/22/2024 1:28 PM EST.