One-of-a-kind waterfront lot- Spectacular Waterviews. Property offers 100'+ waterfrontage on the Machodoc Creek as well as 350'+/- waterfrontage on tidal pond. Design & Install a new Deep water (6'+ MLW) pier on the Machodoc Creek. Property is located approximately 2.5 miles from the Potomac River via Machodoc Creek. Existing singlewide/mobile home is conveying “as is†mainly for purposes of grandfathering for future development between 50' & 100' RPA. The following convey in “as is†condition: Boathouse and pier on tidal pond, well and septic. Public Sewer connection is an option for future development/use. Lower Machodoc River offers deep water!
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NAVICA MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/22/2024 4:02 AM EST.