On the deep, scenic waters of the Eastern Branch of the Corrotoman River, this 73-acre parcel with about 1,000 feet of shoreline offers the rare combination of a protected harbor, expansive river views, and elevation. An opportunity for those with a vision to craft an extraordinary, grand estate, or possibly reap the investment benefit of an intimate, luxury residential development. This remarkable property is ideal for building a custom coastal-inspired home or creating an equestrian estate where stunning water views would enhance peaceful private living. The ideal location where luxury living meets the many attributes of the charming Northern Neck. A parcel of this magnitude so close to local amenities is quite rare. The property includes a 1,000+ square foot rental home with two bedrooms and two baths. Within ten minutes, the villages of Kilmarnock, Irvington, and White Stone provide diverse cultural opportunities, excellent farmers' markets, art galleries, antique shops, museums, eclectic boutiques, marinas, and boatyards.
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Liz Moore and Associates, Inc. uses NAVICA MLS data to produce additional statistics such as price per square foot and price per acre for each listing. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.
NAVICA MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/22/2024 7:02 AM EST.