This 742-acre community with the potential for 575 building sites was planned by a qualified team of land planners and design experts. Located in Lancaster County, Virginia. Lancaster is part of Virginia's Northern Neck peninsula, which lies between the Rappahannock and Potomac Rivers. It is well known for its quiet rural charm. Prestigious local highlights include: The Tides Inn, a renowned Chesapeake Bay resort with championship golf course and marina; Rappahannock General Hospital; an abundance of fine restaurants, antique shops & boutiques; and the Chesapeake Bay, the largest estuary in the United States. Tourism and recreational activities bring many people to Lancaster County to visit as well as to stay for a lifetime. The Project Area's major road frontage is located along Irvington Road. This road connects the Towns of Kilmarnock, Irvington and White Stone. The project area is surrounded by residential development and some existing strip commercial uses located along the road frontage. Generous seller financing available.
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Liz Moore and Associates, Inc. uses NAVICA MLS data to produce additional statistics such as price per square foot and price per acre for each listing. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.
NAVICA MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/27/2024 3:10 PM EST.