A one acre unimproved wooded lot in the quiet neighborhood of Heritage Point. Lot is a irregular rectangle with sloping hills that end near a stream in the back; roughly 152' road access, roughly 500' deep and roughly 250'-275' wide in the rear. Community $415 HOA dues per lot pay for and amenities include a clubhouse, beach, marina (slips can be rented), pool playground, park area and a fresh water lake. A $60 special assessment ends in 2026 for a new well. Bring your plans for your dream home to life! Community water is available. No documentation on file at the county level. Separate septic will be needed. Check out the community website at HeritagePoint for further details of restrictions. Separate lot may be available.
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Liz Moore and Associates, Inc. uses NAVICA MLS data to produce additional statistics such as price per square foot and price per acre for each listing. This application does not include information on all of the properties available for sale at this time.
NAVICA MLS updates its listings on a daily basis. Data last updated: 12/22/2024 6:40 AM EST.